Don’t waste weeks trying to discover what your customers want.
Adelantum Services will help you find your Ideal Customer, Value Proposition and Product Strategy in just days.
Trusted by:
Stuck in a vertical with little traction?
You keep improving your product, but it barely moves the needle?
You’re getting customer feedback, but you’re not sure what do with it, or it’s too client-specific?
There’s just no time to explore every avenue, and your team members disagree on what to prioritize?
Run 2 workshops with your team that will clarify, for everyone, where you are, and what to do to find your true traction.
Workshop 1
Part 1
Mapping your strengths and vulnerabilities
Together, we’ll evaluate your product and its business model across all areas of the Adelantum Canvas, with special attention to:
- Customer-Problem Fit
- Competitive Landscape
- Unique Value Proposition
- Defensibility
Part 2
Filling in the gaps
We’ll highlight the areas where we need more data to validate assumptions, and select the tools to obtain that data.
Workshop 2
Part 1
Finding the right direction
Using the insights from Workshop 1, we’ll determine what to change about your Customer Segment, Value Proposition and Product Strategy, and assess how this impacts the other aspects of your Business Model.
Part 2
Proof of demand
Finally, we’ll prepare a selection of tests to validate your customer segment’s demand for your new value proposition.
Weekly sessions
For Founders and Investors who want the assurance of a continued follow-up of their startup’s strategy for Customer Development, Traction Discovery, Defensibility, Go-To-Market, and all other aspects of Product Strategy.
Ready to take action?
in English, Spanish, French, Dutch or Norwegian, whichever you prefer!